ATTENTION: Followers of Jesus ready to receive double payback…
Stop Feeling Helpless Against
The Spirit Of Robbery
Recover What The Enemy Has Stolen, Including Your Joy, Your Vision, Your Finances, Your Health, And More
Free masterclass
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Click the play button above to listen to Jane Hamon's powerful "Decree of Victory"
Hear more about this amazing class from Melodie VanAlstyne
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Confronting the thief
declare divine recovery over your heart, family, & life
10-Lesson Course with Jane Hamon
Take a moment and ask yourself: Are your heart, your family, and your life overflowing with joy, peace, and prosperity? 

Or do you find yourself in a constant struggle, barely staying afloat and searching for contentment?

Every time you make progress in your dreams and family life, does another assault seem to knock you down, leaving you feeling hopeless, helpless, and utterly defeated?

If it feels like a thief is continually robbing you of your joy, hope, peace, and prosperity, you’re not imagining things. John 10:10 reveals that the enemy is out to steal both the quality of our lives and the abundance of our blessings.
  • How would you like to be so in step with the Father that you hear His voice, sense His Presence, and feel His love 24/7?
  • What if you could eliminate striving and simply flow in full assurance of the Father’s adoration and approval?
  • What if you were so infused with God’s love that you “leaked”?
But here's the powerful truth…

As a believer in Christ, you have the divine authority to reclaim everything the enemy has taken from you! Jesus came to offer you an abundance of life and the fullness of His blessings.

If you long to attain total victory over the thief, then learning the strategies God has provided in His Word is crucial!

That’s why Jane Hamon is thrilled to invite you to join her empowering course, “Confronting the Thief.” In this course, you will explore Biblical principles and stories revealing God's plan for prosperity, health, and generational blessings, including the significance of Haman’s sons in today’s cultural landscape. 
A Fulfilled Life
Come ready to equip yourself with the tools and resources needed for total victory and be inspired by life-changing testimonies.

It's time to stop settling for defeat! Embrace God's blessings in full measure and declare divine victory over all that the enemy has stolen.

If you are ready to take back your peace, prosperity, health, and purpose–walking in the fullness of God's blessings for yourself, your family, your city, and your nation–then this course is one you will not want to miss.
In this class, you will:
  • Discover how to access Jesus' promise of an abundant life through spiritual and legal processes.
  • Gain strategies to confront and defeat the enemy that tries to rob you of your prophetic promises.
  • Break the inner vow of poverty by aligning with biblical prosperity principles to see your prayers and prophecies bear fruit.
  • ​Discover and reclaim your divine purpose, learning from biblical examples of individuals who faced and overcame challenges in their callings.
  • ​Establish generational dominion by breaking the curse of fatherlessness and ensuring kingdom continuity from generation to generation.
  • ​Understand the Father's heart toward your health, learning powerful decrees and strategies to claim and maintain divine healing.
  • ​See the Book of Esther as a metaphor for the modern-day church, learning to intercede, secure divine reversals, and usher in revival.
  • ​Learn to pray, decree, and prophesy against ongoing battles and decrees of destruction, ensuring victory and reclaiming all the enemy has stolen.
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Class Lessons
Overview of the 10-Lesson Class

Course description by Jane Hamon

Lesson 1: Divine Recovery: Recovering God's Blessings in Full Measure
Jesus’ mission on earth was to restore your right relationship with the Father, to expose and 
overthrow the thief, and to empower you to recover all that the enemy has stolen. But what does divine recovery look like? How do you activate Jesus’ promise of abundant life? You will discover that recovery is not just a spiritual concept but a legal one as well. Therefore, you must learn how to access the courts of Heaven and make your appeal to your Sovereign Judge and King. This exciting journey of increased authority and victory is just beginning!

Preview: Lesson 1

Lesson 2: Possessing Our Promise: Overcoming Obstacles to Claim God's Abundant Life
When God delivered Israel from cruel Egyptian bondage, He also gave them an incredible promise of a homeland so rich it would flow with milk and honey. He has always had extravagant intentions for those who are His. Yet, along the way, Israel was confronted by the Amalekite tribe, who were described as fierce plunderers. This conflict caused Israel to want to abandon their belief in God’s promise and turn back to slavery in Egypt. Don’t let the enemy rob you of your prophetic promises. Instead, learn to confront your enemy and become a giant slayer, taking back all that has been stolen.

Preview: Lesson 2

Lesson 3: Taking Back our Peace: The God of Peace is Rising
You find the Amalekites attacking Israel again at a place called Rephidim, or “resting place.” If the enemy can rob your peace, he can get you out of alignment with your faith and then rob everything that is good in your life. Peace is a weapon, and you must get a revelation of who the God of peace, the Prince of Peace, truly is. This lesson provides clear strategies for taking back your peace so you can walk in continuous victory regardless of what you may face. “And the God of peace will soon crush Satan under your feet.” (Romans 16:20)

Preview: Lesson 3

Lesson 4: Taking Back Our Prosperity: Turning Back to God and Overcoming Strife
This lesson finds the Amalekites teaming up with other enemy tribes to rob your harvest. Without a harvest, you cannot eat, and all supply lines are cut off. This fierce tribe had Israel running in fear and living in poverty, which was never God’s plan. Enter Gideon, a man who came from the least of the tribes and was the least in his father’s house, yet God called him a mighty man of valor. In this lesson, you will learn how God is raising up a generation of Gideons who also know how to contend to take back the blessings and prosperity of the Lord.

Preview: Lesson 4

Lesson 5: Prosperity Principles: Breaking the Inner Vow of Poverty
This lesson will teach you that while many believers know God wants to bless them, understanding the prosperity principles laid out in the word of God is crucial. You will learn that praying for blessings, having your needs met, and prophesying words from the Lord about prosperity are important, but there are principles from the word that you need to align with for those prayers and prophecies to bear fruit. This lesson will provide you with practical, Biblical understanding of how to partner with God to receive every blessing He has intended for you.
Lesson 6: Taking Back Our Prophetic Purpose: Contending for Your Calling
In this lesson, you will discover how each person has a divine purpose you were created to fulfill. However, the specific area of your calling can often become the greatest area of challenge in your life. You will learn from examples like Abraham, who was called "father of nations" yet waited until he was 100 years old to produce Isaac; Joseph, who was destined to be a great ruler but faced betrayal, slavery, and imprisonment; and David, who was anointed to be king but spent thirteen years hiding in caves. This lesson will help you understand whether you will be like David, who fulfilled his divine purpose, or like Saul, who often opposed God’s will. If you have failed in the past, you will discover that God is the God of the Comeback! You can reclaim your divine purpose and call!
Lesson 7: Taking Back Our Posterity: The Power of Nations and Generations
Why is there so much spiritual warfare over our families? In this lesson Jane will expose how the enemy loves to strike at the heart of the matter by attacking your children and grandchildren. Just as the Amalekites took all of Israel’s possessions and the wives and children of the soldiers at Ziglag, the enemy aims to disrupt your family. You will discover that God wants you to establish generational dominion by raising up spiritual mothers and fathers to break the curse of fatherlessness that is destroying families, cities, and nations. This lesson will guide you on how to take back your posterity and establish kingdom continuity from generation to generation.
Lesson 8: Taking Back Our Physical Health: Divine Recovery of Health
Lesson 8 will reveal why Jesus' mission on earth to confront the thief included spending one third of His time healing the sick. You will see that this was a demonstration of the Father's heart towards His children, as no parent wants their child to suffer from sickness or disease. You will understand that when Christ died on the cross, He not only freed us from sin but also gave us power for victory in our health. This lesson will explore the many ways God makes healing available to you and includes powerful decrees to appropriate this promise.
Lesson 9: Taking Back Our Passion: The Esther Church Rising
This lesson will illustrate that the Book of Esther is not a Cinderella story about a young, orphan girl who married a king. Instead, it is a picture of the modern-day church. You will see how Esther was positioned and empowered to intercede and go before the throne of the king to secure a divine reversal of the decrees of death and destruction written by Haman. You will witness how the king’s favor enabled Esther to see the defeat of her mortal enemy, as Haman was hung on the very gallows he had built to hang Esther’s uncle, Mordecai. This event actually ushered in an awakening in Persia, causing the hearts of non-Jews (or in our day, non-believers) to turn. Revival is at hand! God is causing the plans of the enemy to boomerang back on his own head. This lesson will inspire you to rise as part of the Esther church!
Lesson 10: The Hanging of Haman’s Sons
Haman was hung on the gallows in Esther chapter seven, yet his decree of death and destruction of the Jews lived on. In this lesson, you will discover that his ten sons were determined to carry out the decree written by their father and sealed with the king’s signet ring, highlighting the determination of our enemy. You will understand the significance of the meanings of the names of these enemy sons and how we are still contending against these demonic forces today. This lesson will guide you in praying, decreeing, and prophesying against each of these forces to see the “hanging of Haman’s ten sons.” Lives will be set free, and nations will shift. It’s time for victory and to take back all the enemy has stolen.
The Church
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How this course Works
Jane Hamon has pre-recorded the 10 lessons in this course, so you may watch the videos and complete the assignments at your convenience.

Each lesson averages 60 minutes in length, with a time of teaching and practical application.
The 10 main lessons:
  • ​Lesson 1: Divine Recovery: Recovering God's Blessings in Full Measure
  • ​Lesson 2: Possessing Our Promise: Overcoming Obstacles to Claim God's Abundant Life
  • ​Lesson 3: Taking Back our Peace: The God of Peace is Rising
  • ​Lesson 4: Taking Back Our Prosperity: Turning Back to God and Overcoming Strife
  • ​Lesson 5: Prosperity Principles: Breaking the Inner Vow of Poverty
  • ​Lesson 6: Taking Back Our Prophetic Purpose: Contending for Your Calling
  • ​Lesson 7: Taking Back Our Posterity: The Power of Nations and Generations
  • ​Lesson 8: Taking Back Our Physical Health: Divine Recovery of Health
  • ​Lesson 9: Taking Back Our Passion: The Esther Church Rising
  • ​Lesson 10: The Hanging of Haman’s Sons
Each lesson includes:
  • An in-depth video teaching
  • ​An MP3 audio recording
  • ​A study guide
  • ​A transcript
3 LIVE Interactive Q&A sessions with small group breakouts:
    • LIVE Q&A for Lessons 1–3 (Tues, Oct. 8 at 1 pm Eastern)
    • ​LIVE Q&A for Lessons 4–6 (Tues, Oct. 29 at 1 pm Eastern)
    • LIVE Q&A for Lessons 7–10 (Tues, Nov. 19 at 1 pm Eastern)
    As you work through the video lessons, you will likely think of questions for Jane Hamon. These LIVE sessions provide a great space for you process with others in the course and hear Jane answer member questions.

    It’s okay if you are unable to join a LIVE session, because we will post the replays in the course member area.

    As a member, you will have LIFETIME access to video and audio replays, transcripts, study guides, and relevant bonus resources to reinforce and supplement what you are learning in each session.

    You can easily participate in this training from the comfort of your own home, your office, or wherever you happen to be in the world! All you need is a phone, tablet, or computer with a reasonably fast internet connection.
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    You’ll also receive the following
    60% Cash Savings
    The normal retail price for this 10-Lesson Course with LIVE Q&As and all associated resources is $1,000. However, you receive a $600 savings, making your price only $400.
    Cash Savings
    70% Cash Savings
    (Must sign up by September 28)
    The normal retail price for this 10-Lesson Course with LIVE Q&As and all associated resources is $1,000. However, you receive a $700 savings, making your price only $300.
    Cash Savings
    Bonus Class
    BONUS 2: Receiving Dunamis Power: The Time of the Dynamo, Explosive Strength, Ability and Power!
    2-Lesson Class with Jane Hamon 
    (Must sign up by September 24)
    Discover the supernatural energy that can revolutionize your life and mission! In "Receiving Dunamis Power," immerse yourself in the dynamic teachings of Jane Hamon’s bonus class, where she unveils how divine energy can fuel your purpose and manifest miraculous results.

    What You’ll Learn:
    • Dynamo of Divine Strength: Unleash the potent anointing of dunamis – the explosive power that transforms your words into life-changing force.
    • Tongues and Transformation: Experience how speaking in tongues activates your inner power, enhances your energy, and boosts your effectiveness in every area of life.
    • Extraordinary Breakthroughs: Equip yourself with the divine power to break through barriers, achieve the impossible, and experience supernatural miracles.
    BONUS 3: Confronting the Thief: Take Back What the Enemy Stole and Declare Divine Recovery over Your Heart, Family, and Life
    Book by Jane Hamon
    (Must sign up by September 21)
    Have you ever felt that heart-wrenching pain of loss, as if the enemy has ripped something precious from your life? Whether it’s your finances, health, peace, a promise, an opportunity, or even those you hold dear—family and friends—loss can leave you feeling powerless.

    But here’s the good news: even in your darkest moments, you have the power to transform from victim to victor.

    With Jane Hamon’s inspiring teaching and prophetic insights, this book is your guide to uncovering the enemy’s tactics and taking back what’s yours. You’ll find biblical wisdom, practical decrees, and powerful prayers to help you:
    • Take authority over the thief who has tried to rob you
    • Experience complete and total restoration in every area of your life
    • Walk in supernatural provision, prosperity, and power
    • ​Lay hold of the prophetic promises spoken over you
    • ​Receive a double portion of everything you’ve lost
    Bonus Book
    bonus teaching
    BONUS 4: Victory Over Chaos: Breaking the Yoke of Demonic Decrees of Chaos and Darkness
    Teaching with Jane Hamon
    (Must sign up by September 18)
    Discover how to overcome the chaos in your life and world with transformative insights and powerful strategies. In “Victory Over Chaos,” you’ll be guided by Jane Hamon who reveals how to confront and dismantle the forces of disorder and darkness that threaten to disrupt your peace.

    What You’ll Learn:
    • Discerning the Times: Gain a deep understanding of how to break the yoke of demonic decrees and bring divine order to your environment, even as chaos intensifies globally.
    • Strategic Prayer: Learn to harness your prayers and prophetic voice to create significant change, impacting your personal life, neighborhood, and nation. 
    • Discover how strategic intercession can dismantle chaos and establish lasting peace.
    • Practical Strategies: Equip yourself with effective tools and actionable steps to address and counteract chaos on multiple levels. From personal challenges to broader societal issues, these strategies will empower you to restore order and achieve victory.
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    Summary OF wHAT yOU gET
    summary of what you get
    10-lesson training
    • ​Lesson 1: Divine Recovery: Recovering God's Blessings in Full Measure
    • ​Lesson 2: Possessing Our Promise: Overcoming Obstacles to Claim God's Abundant Life
    • ​Lesson 3: Taking Back our Peace: The God of Peace is Rising
    • Lesson 4: Taking Back Our Prosperity: Turning Back to God and Overcoming Strife
    • Lesson 5: Prosperity Principles: Breaking the Inner Vow of Poverty
    • Lesson 6: Taking Back Our Prophetic Purpose: Contending for Your Calling
    • Lesson 7: Taking Back Our Posterity: The Power of Nations and Generations
    • Lesson 8: Taking Back Our Physical Health: Divine Recovery of Health
    • ​Lesson 9: Taking Back Our Passion: The Esther Church Rising
    • ​Lesson 10: The Hanging of Haman’s Sons
    3 LIVE interactive Q&A sessions
    • LIVE Q&A for Lessons 1–3 (Tues, Oct. 8 at 1 pm Eastern)
    • LIVE Q&A for Lessons 4–6 (Tues, Oct. 29 at 1 pm Eastern)
    • LIVE Q&A for Lessons 7–10 (Tues, Nov. 19 at 1 pm Eastern)
    • 60% savings: $400 instead of $1000
    • 70% savings: $300 instead of $1000 (sign up by Sept. 28)
    • Receiving Dunamis Power: The Time of the Dynamo, Explosive Strength, Ability and
    • Power!– 2-Lesson Class with Jane Hamon (sign up by Sept 24)
    • Confronting the Thief: Take Back What the Enemy Stole and Declare Divine Recovery over Your Heart, Family, and Life – Book by Jane Hamon - Book Shipped FREE Worldwide (sign up by Sept 21)
    • Victory Over Chaos: Breaking the Yoke of Demonic Decrees of Chaos and Darkness – Teaching with Jane Hamon (sign up by Sept 18)
    Additional benefits
    • LIFETIME class access
    • ​Video replays
    • ​MP3 audio
    • ​Transcripts
    • ​Study guides
    The Empower 2000 Guarantee
    This life-transforming course will empower you to attain total victory over the thief, and learn strategies God has provided.!

    If you are not delighted with the training and the results you experience, simply email us within 30 days of when the course starts and we will either reconcile the problem or gladly refund all your money.

    You have nothing to lose and everything to gain. Guaranteed!
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    Confronting the Thief course
    confronting the thief
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    Note: Not all Empower 2000 class members are Empower Disciples members. Empower Disciples is a separate paid membership offering special benefits, including discounts for LIVE classes, extra bonus classes, and more.
    Are you an Empower Disciples member?
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    Note: Not all Empower 2000 class members are Empower Disciples members. The Empower Disciples membership is a separate paid membership that offers special benefits, including discounts for LIVE classes, extra bonus classes, and more. 
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    Blessings to live in abundance!
    Jane Hamon
    Jane Hamon
    Pastor at Vision Church
    Jane Hamon
    JANE HAMON is a gifted teacher and storyteller, has written five insightful books including Declarations for Breakthrough, Discernment, and Dreams and Visions. She serves, with her husband Tom, as senior pastor of Vision Church @ Christian International. In their over 30 years of ministry together, they have built a thriving local church, traveled to more than 50 nations, and helped to lead Christian International Ministries, founded by Dr. Bill Hamon.

    A clear prophetic voice and eloquent teacher, Jane Hamon travels extensively ministering at national and international conferences, consulting with leaders, and teaching at Bible colleges. She is frequently featured on a variety of Christian television programs. International School of Theology. Jane makes her home in beautiful Santa Rosa Beach, Florida, where she enjoys fulfilling some of her favorite roles in life as wife, mother, and now “Mimi” to her growing number of grandchildren.
    Confronting the thief
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